Mardi Crawford

Mardi is a professional actor and voiceover artist who has appeared on film, TV, and radio.
After living for many years in in New York and LA she relocated to Marin County to raise her family and establish a private practice in the healing arts.
A licensed acupuncturist and human potential seminar leader, Mardi has presented workshops at Esalen Institue focused on the integration of breath, voice, and movement in a spiritual context.
Mardi knows from experience the power of music as a healing art.
After living for many years in in New York and LA she relocated to Marin County to raise her family and establish a private practice in the healing arts.
A licensed acupuncturist and human potential seminar leader, Mardi has presented workshops at Esalen Institue focused on the integration of breath, voice, and movement in a spiritual context.
Mardi knows from experience the power of music as a healing art.